Being gay can be tough, but it doesn’t have to suck.

Studies indicate that gay men are at a higher risk for suicide, surpassing even HIV as a leading cause of premature mortality.​

Alcoholism, substance abuse and other damaging addictions, not to mention ongoing stress, were already working to create a physical and mental health crisis for gay men long before the pandemic.

For some of us, being gay is hard and the toll can be heavy over the course of a lifetime.

Being Gay Can Be Tough

Less drama.
More grit.

It takes courage, resolve and tenacity to hold your ground and honor your truth, especially when it contradicts what your family wants, society expects, religion tells you, or gay norms lead you to believe.

Figuring out the difficult things requires you to hang in there especially when you’re:

  • Feeling like you’re never enough to fit in, have friends, find love.
  • Dealing with stuff like shame, insecurity or social anxiety.
  • Not finding connection or community because everyone is cliquey, dodgy, “thirst-trappy,” too gay.

About Me

Dealing with the reality of being gay can be very stressful, especially if you’re trying to keep it buried and out of sight.

Childhood rejection, loneliness, and abuse left me feeling worthless, traumatized, and full of shame.

Hiding, pretending, or even trying to “fix the problem” is a lot to handle when you’re young.

I kept my sexuality locked away for a long time before finally coming to terms with it as an adult.

That’s not everyone’s story, but it’s mine (short version). My experience came with longer term consequences that shaped me in good ways and bad.

Gay Self-Acceptance Is a Journey

Being gay is a journey, and journeys aren’t short trips. Figuring things out takes time, patience and effort.

Self Care

Love and acceptance begins with how well you treat yourself and mindful gay self care.


Drop the drama and start shoring up your gay resilience.


The road to gay belonging is paved with authenticity and connection.

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